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Geolocator - Class in com.qozix.geom
Geolocator() - Constructor for class com.qozix.geom.Geolocator
getArea() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getBaseHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Returns the base (un-scaled) height
getBaseMapHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getBaseMapWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getBaseWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Returns the base (un-scaled) width
getBitmap(String) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTileCache
getBottom() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getColumn() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getComputedCurrentHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getComputedCurrentWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getComputedScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getCoordinatesFromPoints(ArrayList<Point>) - Method in class com.qozix.geom.Geolocator
getCurrentScaledHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getCurrentScaledWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getCurrentZoomLevel() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getCurrVelocity() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns the current velocity.
getCurrX() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns the current X offset in the scroll.
getCurrY() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns the current Y offset in the scroll.
getDownsample() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getDuration() - Method in class com.qozix.animation.Tween
getDuration() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns how long the scroll event will take, in milliseconds.
getEasedProgress() - Method in class com.qozix.animation.Tween
getFileName() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getFinalX() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns where the scroll will end.
getFinalY() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns where the scroll will end.
getHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getHighestZoomLevel() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getHistoricalScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getImageView() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getIntersections() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getInvertedScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getIsRendering() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.TileManager
getLeft() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getLowestZoomLevel() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getMapHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getMapWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getMaxZoom() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getNumZoomLevels() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getPaint() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.paths.PathView
getPattern() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getPointsFromCoordinates(ArrayList<Coordinate>) - Method in class com.qozix.geom.Geolocator
getProgress() - Method in class com.qozix.animation.Tween
getRelativeScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getRight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getRow() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getRowCount() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getScale() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ScalingLayout
getScale() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.TranslationLayout
Retrieves the current scale of the ZoomPanLayout
getScale() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Retrieves the current scale of the ZoomPanLayout
getScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.paths.PathView
getScale() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getScaledHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Returns the scaled height
getScaledWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Returns the scaled width
getSetAtLevel(int) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.ViewSetManager
getStartX() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns the start X offset in the scroll.
getStartY() - Method in class com.qozix.widgets.Scroller
Returns the start Y offset in the scroll.
getTileHeight() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getTilePath(int, int) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getTileWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomLevel
getTop() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getViewport() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
getWidth() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getZoom() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Get the current zoom level (index) used by the MapView
getZoom() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
getZoom() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager