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decode(Context, MapTileCache, MapTileDecoder) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
decode(String, Context) - Method in interface com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTileDecoder
decode(String, Context) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTileDecoderAssets
decode(String, Context) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTileDecoderHttp
destroy() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Clear bitmap tiles and remove all views, appropriate for onDestroy References to MapView should be set to null following invocations of this method.
destroy() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
destroy() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTileCache
DownsampleManager - Class in com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers
DownsampleManager() - Constructor for class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.DownsampleManager
drawPath(List<double[]>) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Draw a path (line) on the MapView that will be rendered beneath any Marker or Callout views.
drawPath(double[]...) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Draw a path (line) on the MapView that will be rendered beneath any Marker or Callout views.
drawPath(List<Point>) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.paths.PathManager
drawPath(List<Point>) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.paths.PathView
drawPathAtZoom(int, List<double[]>) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Draw a path (line) on the MapView that will be rendered beneath any Marker or Callout views.
drawPathAtZoom(int, double[]...) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Draw a path (line) on the MapView that will be rendered beneath any Marker or Callout views.
drawPathAtZoom(List<Point>, int) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.paths.PathManager