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registerGeolocator(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Register a set of offset points to use when calculating position within the MapView.
removeAllViewsAtLevel(int) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.ViewSetManager
removeCallout(View) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Removes a callout View from the MapView's view tree.
removeChild(View) - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Removes a View from the intermediary ViewGroup that manages layout for this ZoomPanLayout
removeGestureListener(ZoomPanLayout.GestureListener) - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Removes a GestureListener from the ZoomPanLayout
removeHotSpot(Rect, View.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.hotspots.HotSpotManager
removeHotSpot(Rect, View.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Remove a hotspot registered with addHotSpot
removeMapEventListener(MapView.MapEventListener) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Removes a MapEventListener object from those listening to this MapView.
removeMarker(View) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Removes a marker View from the MapView's view tree.
removePath(View) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Removes a path View from the MapView's view tree.
removeTweenListener(TweenListener) - Method in class com.qozix.animation.Tween
removeView(View) - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
removeView(View) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.ViewSetManager
removeViewAtLevel(View, int) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.ViewSetManager
removeZoomListener(ZoomListener) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
removeZoomPanListener(ZoomPanLayout.ZoomPanListener) - Method in class com.qozix.layouts.ZoomPanLayout
Removes a ZoomPanListener from the ZoomPanLayout
removezoomSetupListener(ZoomSetupListener) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
render(Context) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTile
requestRender() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Request that the current tile set is re-examined and re-drawn.
requestRender() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.TileManager
resetZoomLevels() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.MapView
Clear all previously registered zoom levels.
resetZoomLevels() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.zoom.ZoomManager
retire(MapTile) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTilePool
retireAll() - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.tiles.MapTilePool
retireView(View) - Method in class com.qozix.mapview.viewmanagers.ViewPool